
Ola Mexico Surprise

Ola Mexico Surprise


2 (8 oz) packages light or regular cream cheese


1 (16 oz) light or regular sour cream

2 packages mild taco seasoning dip mix


1- 2 cups mild-medium Salsa (of your liking)

2 tomatoes

1 small to medium Red or spanish onion

1 small head of lettuce

8 oz shredded chedder and Monterey Jack cheese

2 tbsp minced HOT jalapeno peppers (optional)

Nacho chips

1. Blend together cream cheese, sour cream and taco dip mix. Put into a flat container.
Spread mild Salasa thinly over top.

2. Finely chop onion, dice the tomatoes, shred the head of lettuce into thin, short peices . Layer the vegetables over the cream cheese mixture.Top with shredded cheeses. Chill.

3. Top with jalapeno peppers (optional) or have separate bowl on side.

4. Serve with variety of Nacho chips (Purple, lime flavour, yellow and white).

Celebrate the festivities with this crowd pleaser.

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